Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

New Update - Holiday in Bandung

Its been long time to absent on this site huehehe
Hari ini gue baru selesai habisin liburan. Yaa ga lama-lama banget sih ya. Soalnya tuntutan pekerjaan :/
Jadi ga jauh-jauh tempatnya hehe. Gue abis dari Bandung bareng dua sahabat gue, Rahma dan Meta.
Tadinya Hanipa mau ikut. Tapi sedikit kemungkinan dibolehin sama orangtuanya jadi yaa ga jadi ikut :(
Okey, lets begin to our activities there haha
Cuma jalan-jalan ke mall-mall Bandung sih. Kaya BSM, PVJ, Kings, Ciwalk, dll. Lucu sih... dimana di Jakarta buanyak mall dan ke Bandung jalan-jalan ke mall lagi. Tapi seru suasana Bandung itu.
Biarpun ngangkot di matahari panas terik, tapi udaranya tetep adem.
Rahma's grandma was very kind, friendly, and....gorgeous. Lot of thanks for her that give us chance to feel the trip more amazing :D
Thats why i love to stay longer there :3
 Aaaannnnd here we are..
On The Way by Bus~

First Destination : PVJ (Paris Van Java)

With Rahmaheeee~

With Metaaaa~

But Dont Forget For These Guide, Sita and Safitri :)
Little Paris At Bandung Super Mall
Still at BSM With The Girls ~
Again, With Meita.. Gosh I'm So Fat-__-
Me and Others

So, there we were... Spending time with laughter together.
