Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Randomly Random Thought

ini curhatan temen sekelas gw dikampus, namanya Arinda "Dimana kebanyak remaja seumuran gue lagi enjoying their life dgn main, cinta, dan dunia remaja lainya..
Gue di paksa ud dewasa skap dan pkiran, menjadi eksekutif ketika di kantor, menjadi hangat ktika mengurus rumah, dan mncoba mnjadi yg berintelektual di kampus..
Smuanya harus di slsaikan dgn catatan wkt yg ud di rancang. Ga boleh mleset antara 1 kegiatan dgn yg lainya..
Malam ketika hening inilah wkt curhat kepadaNya, curhat yg melegakan dbanding dgn sypa pun, curhat yg menguatkan dari ya Rabb..
Dan minggu kembali jadi balitanya mama di rumah trlepas dr aktifitas org dwasa ini.
Ooohhh hidup, bagai. Pelangi.. badai menerpa lalu indah. Aaamiin"

Iya juga sih...
Gw juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Dimana masa remaja gw (cailah) tertinggal dibanding temen-temen sebaya gw. Bayangin, temen-temen gw lagi libur panjang kelulusan, gw masih berkutat sama kerjaan. Dimana temen gw ngajak jalan, gw cuma bisa hari Minggu doang. 
Tapi coba dipikir lagi... Dengan ini gw bisa dewasa lebih cepet.
Huffft...boring sih. Tapi yaa seneng aja jadi lebih bisa ceramahin orang (lho!) haha becanda deng. 
Just be foccuss on what I'm doing, and make plans what I will do.
Firstly, I must to graduate with great GPA. At least 3,5 or even perfect!
Secondly, I want to go to an education event in abroad such as fellowship, scholarship, or else.
If those are done nicely, I will thinking of 'heart'. Now I have a person that always be myself, I mean we are so alike. What he does, what he likes, or what he hates are same as me. Eventhough we are in the 180 degrees different cultures. He is European and I am Asian. For exactly he is Croatian and I'm Indonesian.
At first met him, I though he'd tell me that free sex, drunk, or smoking are usual for him. But no, he hates them. He does athletics, and he got many medals from his run competition.
But he is honest to me. What he did that he thinks it is not right and that is just for fun, he told me he wont do it to me. I realy realy appreciate it. We are enjoy our conversation everytime we talk.
I met his sister, his Mom (on webcam, not in personal yet). They are welcome to me. Really happy that his Mom also support his effort to be together with me. 
It is difficult to realizing everyone. They just say "he wont make it, just looking for another guy around you that would hug you and be with you all the time as long as you need him. what you get from the LDR? just nonsene" then they are laughing. Wtfffff... are they could know what I feel when I tell them about my long distance boyfriend? could they see how brightly eyes I had when I'm talking with him, texting with him.

Noo, they are just know about distance and cultures, everything they see is just physically.

I believe he'll keep his promises. I dont have problem to waiting him. As long as he keep trying, keep comunicate with me. I've ever complaining to him, then I feel guilty. He doesnt just have me. He has family, he has job, and he has his own activities. So I'm not the only one.
Haaaahhhh too mush out of topic from my goals in life lol.
Okay then, my marriage. If me and my bf now have destiny to be together, and will make decision together. I will live with him. Whenever he stays. But still, I will never leave my citizenship as Indonesian.
It'd be difficult, I know. But what is life if we just looking for just the easy way. We wont know about efforts.
If imagine about my own family in future with him. It would be absolutely beautiful. Have a handsome husband, have children that have white skin, black hair, bright brown eyes, pointed nose. I really want that they will alike as their father in physically haha.
And about my career, I dont really know about it. I want to be a teacher. Or I will have my own school (Aamiin).
One time, me and him talking about to make our restaurant. Because he is a cheff and he thinks he can teach me to cook. I'm able to cook, Indonesian food. Such as nasi goreng, ayam goreng, rendang. And his country food more same like italian food.
Okay okay those are too much for my imaginations. Shame, but not lame. To have imaginations is make you to have plan and goals. No matter people underestimate you. Dont make people hold your hand, just move it by yourself ;)