Three word in one second "I'M MISSING HIM"
hhhfff, this is always happen to me. Dunno why I always need him everytime he is on my mind.
But i'm never had negative thinking about him. I trust him as I trust about my love for him.
Feel guilty when he sends me messages whenever he has a chance, but I just reply with unhappy response just because I'm upset he just had short time. And its on and on..
When I feel sad, and his message pops up on my mobile..
That is automatically kills my bad mood. Seriously, he is the one and only my moodbooster for my day, my moodkiller for my heartbreak. Haha but honestly, I'm never regret to love him even if some day God doesnt allow us to be together. I'll never forget him. As always he'll be in my mind. Because he is the most beautiful dream, story, and love I've ever feel.
Always remember the way he say my name, calls me "my love.. my darling".
Says that I'm beautiful. I know its been few guys say that, but he is the most I feel.
Because with other guy, everything they say just a words.
Not with him. I believe what he says. What he tells.
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